Every Student is A Writer : A Project of Paragraph Writing Course English Literature Department Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Teguh Sulistyo
Rizky Lutviana


This book is an anthology of student paragraphs designed to motivate students to engage in academic writing activities and to take pride in their own work and sense of authorship. This book is intended to motivate students to engage in writing activities and cultivate their potential in writing. Its title, 'Every Student is a Writer', reflects these goals.
In general, writing classes are often considered to be the least rewarding course for teachers and the most frustrating for students. To mitigate this view, it is important for students to understand the purpose of writing, the intended audience, and how to effectively express their opinions, feelings, or views. Additionally, it is crucial to manage writing classes effectively to alleviate students' writing anxiety and cultivate their passion for writing activities.
This book aims to provide perspectives on academic writing activities for those involved in English language teaching, particularly students and teachers.

Cover for Every Student is A Writer : A Project of Paragraph Writing Course English Literature Department Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
March 21, 2024